
Refunds / Changes

Before returning the product, you should contact the store, having the following information available: Customer name, date and number of original sales document and the reason for return or a description of the problem. The total return / shipping cost (to and from) is borne entirely by the customer.

It is also possible to return products within fourteen (14) days of receipt and to our store at 142 Georgikis School Avenue, 57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki. So you won't incur shipping costs.

The proof of purchase is also the guarantee for the good condition of the product.

Warranties do not cover physical damage or theft, improper use / installation / operation of the product by the customer. For information on the exact terms of the guarantee of each product, the respective representative in Greece is responsible.

In the event that you have received other items than the ones you ordered or there is a substantial defect in one of the products you received, please contact our store on the day of receipt or the following day at 2310 489070 for the best and fastest solution to the problem.

N. Sfikas Zoofiliki S.A. is liable for compensation in the event of a lack of an agreed quality or the existence of a defect only if this has been caused by its fault, in which case it is not liable for slight negligence or the fault of a third party.